The “Quatro” boarded two adults and two children. The “Quatro” boarded two adults and...
The all-new iconic Scooter X Tandem is the duo version of the new Scooter X. The all-new iconic Scooter X Tandem...
The real touring kayak, Treck 2 is really stable and you can use it any swell or wind conditions. The real touring kayak, Treck 2 is...
Fast and fun for two, the Feelfree Gemini is a excellent performing tandem kayak whether you are out for a day exploring, snorkeling, fishing or just having fun with the family. Fast and fun for two, the Feelfree...
The Feelfree Corona is the ultimate family kayak - with three different seating configurations, you’ll find it comfortable. The Feelfree Corona is the ultimate...
The NEW 3waters T42 is a recreational tandem offering a spacious layout and maximum stability without sacrificing maneuverability. The NEW 3waters T42 is a recreational...
Sit on top single-seater The Abaco 3.60 is a sit on top single-seater ideally suited for all types of fishing, for all types of water, salt or freshwater and for all types of fishermen. Sit on top single-seater The Abaco...
Super safe, modern, hybrid 3-person SIT-ON-TOP kayak CARIBOU ANTIA 490. Super safe, modern, hybrid 3-person...
Unwind and explore stunning waterways effortlessly with the Getaway 110 HDII, the ultimate recreational pedal kayak for stress-free water experiences. Unwind and explore stunning waterways...
Introducing the new Hobie Mirage Passport. Your ticket to fun. Introducing the new Hobie Mirage...
It’s not just top notch tournament kayak anglers that have a need for speed, the rest of us do too! It’s not just top notch tournament...
Introducing the new Hobie Mirage Passport. Your ticket to fun. Introducing the new Hobie Mirage...
Set your course with the Mirage Compass - now with patented Kick-Up Fins. Now with MirageDrive 180. Set your course with the Mirage...
The all-new Mirage Lynx delivers performance in an extremely rugged and lightweight design. The all-new Mirage Lynx delivers...
Lightning fast off the line, a MirageDrive powered kayak that’ll turn in its own length. Performance in a tidy package, this kayak is easy to transport and store. Powered by the MirageDrive 180 + Kick-Up Fins. Lightning fast off the line, a...
The Revos flowing, liquid lines are a seaworthy and efficient design that hits the sweet spot for stability minus any slowdown. Powered by the MirageDrive 180 + Kick-Up Fins. The Revos flowing, liquid lines are a...
The world’s #1 selling fishing kayak with the one and only MirageDrive 180 with Kick-Up Fin Technology. The world’s #1 selling fishing kayak...
An elegantly simple yet highly customizable tandem kayak for on-water adventures with family, friends, and pets. An elegantly simple yet highly...
Stretched-out and spacious, performance-oriented and powered by the elegant, easy-to-use MirageDrive + Kick-Up Fins. Stretched-out and spacious,...
Sailing has never seemed so simple. When the wind blows, the Tandem Island flies across the water, powered by an expansive, easily tended mainsail. Sailing has never seemed so simple....
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