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Leasing terms and conditions
You can also buy the products you like at KAYKASHOP.LT by leasing. Leasing services are provided by MOKILIZINGAS and GENERAL FINANCING through the PAYSERA payment system.

How to buy by leasing?

  1. Select an item.
  2. After that choose "Paysera payment solutions" payment method, choose the leasing company you are comfortable with and fill out an online application for a consumer credit. And follow Paysera's instructions.
  3. Only the person applying for leasing can accept the ordered goods. Only the person applying for the leasing can sign the consumer credit agreement delivered by the courier.
  4. You do not have to pay a down payment when buying goods on installment store at KAYAKSHOP.LT unless requested by the leasing company.
  5. The courier will check the copies of the documents according to the original documents provided, submit for signing two copies of the consumer credit agreement and hand over the goods together with the third copy of your consumer credit agreement.
  6. Once all obligations under the consumer credit agreement have been fulfilled, the item becomes your property.

Leasing terms

  1. Only adults who have a valid identity card or a new model driving license, passport of a Lithuanian or a Member State of the European Union may purchase goods on a hire purchase basis.
  2. The minimum funding for your order is € 70, calculated from the size of the cart.
  3. A special loan can be granted for a period of 6 months to 36 months.
  4. For a period of more than 24 months, the goods can be purchased under a consumer credit agreement for a value of more than € 434.43.
  5. You do not have to pay a down payment when buying goods on installment store at KAYAKSHOP.LT unless requested by the leasing company.
* According to the amendments to the Credit Law of the Republic of Lithuania, from 22.00. until 7.00 no consumer credit agreements can be made.