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We deliver goods all over Lithuania and other European Union countries.
Final delivery price can be obtained only with a full order made (with delivery address, chosen shipping method).


Free pick-up!

Items can be picked up free of charge at the following KAYAKSHOP warehouses:

    - Warehouse of KAYAKSHOP.LT (Kulių g.34, Mardosų k. LT-90103, Plungės raj., Lithuania +37062025588

IMPORTANT! In some cases, the quantity of goods in warehouse may not be sufficient. If you choose this method of collection, our manager will contact you and provide you with all necessary information regarding the possible delivery date of the item (s).


If you have selected DPD delivery point shipping method, ypur parcel will be shipped within 2-4 business days unless otherwise specified.

DPD Pickup

IMPORTANT! Only goods that meet the size (61 x 44 x 37 cm) and weight (up to 20 kg) restrictions can be shipped by this shipping method.

Price of service: from 2.90 €

If you have ordered more than one item, they may arrive at different times as they may be shipped from different warehouses. There is no additional transportation charge.


If you have selected a OMNIVA parcel machine delivery method, parcel will be shipped within 2-4 business days unless otherwise specified.


IMPORTANT! Only goods that meet the size (64 x 39 x 38 cm) and weight (up to 25 kg) restrictions can be shipped by this shipping method.

Price of service: from 2.90 €

If you have ordered more than one item, they may arrive at different times as they may be shipped from different warehouses. There is no additional transportation charge.


Delivery to the specified address within 2-4 business days.

DPD parcel service Omniva Nėge UAB SST Itella logistics GLS parcel service

Couriers deliver goods according to a pre-arranged route, so there is no possibility to choose the exact delivery time.

IMPORTANT! Some goods have a non-standard delivery time. When ordering larger items (kayaks, water bikes, etc.) the delivery time usually increases to an additional 2-4 business days.

If you have ordered more than one item, they may arrive at different times as they may be shipped from different warehouses. There is no additional transportation charge.


The cheapest but slightly longer delivery method. The goods are delivered to the address indicated within 21 working days.

The recommended method of delivery is the delivery of goods of larger dimensions (kayaks, water bikes, canoes, etc.).

The goods are delivered according to a pre-arranged route during the scheduled journey.

If delivery of the ordered goods by this method of delivery is impossible or impossible to deliver within the specified time, the goods shall be delivered by another possible method. There is no additional charge for changing the shipping method.

* The seller reserves the right to change the method of delivery at its sole discretion, provided that the quality of the delivery is not affected.

* The seller reserves the right to refuse delivery without prior notice to the consignee. The fee is refunded to the customer.