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We take care of your safety. Those planning to purchase a life-saving device must also choose the right size. Only the right size of rescue equipment you buy will give you maximum security.
The right size of clothing is also a very important factor.
On this page we provide you with size charts for easy selection of life saving equipment or clothing.

Can't find the size for the selected item? Please contact or tel. +37060707666 and we will provide you with all the information you need within the shortest possible time


PFD'S certified for PN-EN ISO 12402-4

SizeBody weight (kg)Rec. weight (kg)Bust (cm)Capacity(N)
XS 25-40 < 40 76-86 50
S 40-50 40-60 80-102 60
M 50-60 60-70 102-107 70
L 60-70 70+ 107-117 80
XL 70-90 80+ 117-122 100
XXL 90+ 90+ 122+ 100

PFD'S certified for PN-EN ISO 12402-5

SizeBody weight (kg)Rec. weight (kg)Bust (cm)Capacity (N)
XS 25-40 <40 76-82 35
S 40-50 40-60 82-102 35
S/M 40-60 < 40+ 86-107 60
M 50-60 60+ 102-107 40
L 60-70 70+ 107-117 45
L/XL 60-80 70+ 107-122 70
XL 70-90 80+ 117-122 50
XXL 90+ 90+ 122+ 70

Vest AQUARIUS PET ir PET NEW (for dogs and cats)

SizePet weight (kg)Neck volume (cm)Length (cm)Breed
S < 8 38-43 28 York, Peking
M 8-15 40-45 33 Poodle, Beagle, Spaniel
L 15-40 46-52 38 Boxer, Collie
XL 40+ 53-75 44 Labrador
XXL < 60 60-82