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Fishing kayak FEELFREE MOKEN 12.5 V2

Stable enough for standing, and fast enough to handle larger lakes and coastal waters, the Moken 12.5 features our innovative new quick-release, modular Uni-Track system, and Easy Seal hatch.

1 399,00€


Lime Camo

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More info

Having trouble deciding which Feelfree fishing kayak is for you? This is the one! It’s a perfect allround kayak, for all types of fishing, in all types of water - and it’s full to the brim with the features every angler is looking for. Stable enough for standing, and fast enough to handle larger lakes and coastal waters, the Moken 12.5 features our innovative new quick-release, modular Uni-Track system, and Easy Seal hatch.

An optional rudder helps with steering on windy days, and Feelfree’s Wheel in the Keel makes transportation hassle-free. A great all-round fishing kayak that is fast, stable, capable of handling almost any waterway - and it’s comfortable too!

An optional rudder helps with steering on windy days, and Feelfree’s Wheel in the Keel makes transportation hassle-free. A great all-round fishing kayak that is fast, stable, capable of handling almost any waterway - and it’s comfortable too!

Data sheet

Type Fishing
Length 386 cm
Width 81 cm
Weight 41 kg
Material HDPE
Number of persons 1
Capacity 190 kg
Country of origin Thailand/ USA