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Fishing kayak 3WATERS BIG FISH 120

The Big Fish 120 offers all the features, stability, comfort and performance you come to expect from a high dollar kayaks but an affordable price.

1 449,00€


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More info

The Big Fish 120 boasts all of the features, stability, comfort and performance you’d expect from a top-of-the-range kayak, but at an affordable price. It’s designed from the ground up with the innovative cathedral tri-hull, which takes its stability, tracking and performance to even greater heights.

The cathedral tri-hull features two outer pontoons flanking a central pontoon, with deep channels in between. The Big Fish promises comfortable paddling all day long, with multiple sitting and standing configurations – high, low, recline and flip away, and also doubling as a lean bar for standing. The deck features a sturdy reinforced standing platform; storage space along the gunwales; built-in rod holders with rod tip protectors; and open bow and stern storage areas for easy access to your gear. The removable Sonar Pod adds even more convenience, allowing you to install electronics such as fish finders with ease.

Along with all the above, the Big Fish 120 also comes with moulded-in handles, two flush-mounted rod holders to the rear, adjustable foot rests, a stand-up assist strap, a convenient accessory outfitting track system and is rudder ready. Whether you’re fishing lakes, rivers or the ocean, this kayak meets the demands of all anglers from novice to expert.

Data sheet

Type Fishing
Length 376 cm
Width 86 cm
Height 31
Weight 46 kg
Material HDPE
Number of persons 1
Capacity 181 kg
Country of origin USA